Monday, December 3, 2007

The Connecticut Development Authority ("CDA") Is Your Friend!!!

The CDA is chalk full of good loan programs for Connecticut Companies. The CDA plays a very important role in the Connecticut banking landscape. Not only does it promote job growth or job retention in the State, it also provides a buffer with the wide swings in credit availability supplied by the Banks.

Now, you might think that with any quasi-government program comes with a mountain of red-tape - not with the CDA. The CDA has provided a streamlined, well publicised application process that reduces the time and frustrations felt by borrowers in the State. The application can be downloaded from its web site: CDA Application. But wait, there are very helpful CDA loan professionals ready to assist you with your situation. The CDA suggests calling the CDA loan offices prior to filling out the application (CDA Contact Info).

Before we go into some of the specific loan programs, here are some do's and don'ts with the CDA.

  1. Which came first the chicken or the egg, or in this case the CDA or the Bank. Well, its a bit confusing with the CDA as well. The CDA's customers are the participating banks and lenders in the State, and not necessarily or directly the borrower. If you've been turned down by a bank or your astute enough to know that your loan request might cause your lender stress, then study the CDA programs and speak with a CDA loan officer. Get a green light (not a commitment, but an indication from the CDA that your request is in the realm of possibilities) from the CDA loan officer. Then start speaking with your existing lender or any prospective lenders about your loan request and the CDA. Having this knowledge would also so your bank that you mean business.
  2. Have an understanding of the timing of the CDA and your lender. The CDA's Board of Directors meet once a month, usually on the 15th if that falls on a weekday. Applications usually have to be approved by the CDA management the last week of the prior month (at the latest). So if you have a tight time frame associated with your loan, then missing a key date might mean waiting another month before your get the funds.
  3. Be confident on your projections in particular your employment projections. Remember, the CDA bases its support on your current and projected employment - among other things such as cash flow and collateral. Historically, the CDA has lent or guaranteed $10,000 to $20,000 per employee. The CDA will conduct annual audits on your employment levels, and any shortfalls that aren't easily explainable or extraordinary may result in penalties.
  4. Provide the CDA the same information package that you provided your lender and remember your Lender has to fill out an application and provide certain information to the CDA as well. The lender has to fill out an application supporting its request for the CDA support and also has to provide the CDA its loan approval memo prior to the CDA going to its Board for final approval. So keeping tabs on your lender is important. Ask your loan officer if the CDA has the Bank's loan approval document. If he or she doesn't then you might be waiting another month.

The CDA is a great organization and its loan officers are experienced former bank lenders. So communication is important, and they are a good source of information and help. I'd like to now highlight one of the many lending programs offered by the CDA: The Participating Loan Program.

The Participating Loan Program essentially allows the CDA to participate with your lender in the loan structure provided to you - usually on the term or mortgage structure of your loan request. You continue to work with the lender and make your payments. The lender then distributes the CDA's piece of the payments to them. You are still working with one entity - your lender. There are no outside fees required as the CDA will participate with the lender's fees which you signed up for when you signed the commitment letter.

So its a marriage made in heaven - hopefully. The lender receives support to provide the needed loan to the customer (you), while not compromising its loan standards. The customer gets the money required to complete his or her business plan. The CDA provides support to the lender and thereby supports employment growth by the borrower. How does the CDA participation help the lender? The CDA participation is junior to the lender, which means that the CDA essentially has a second lien and the lender a first lien on the assets of the company.

If you find yourself looking for help to get the required money to grow your business and employee base, then the CDA is a great option to consider. If your banker doesn't mention it, then mention it to your banker. For more CDA programs, click here. Good Luck!!

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